Friday, August 30, 2013


Heidelberg, the city which is located between two mountain, therefore in the same morning you can visit the most important places of the city then go for hiking to enjoy some awesome views from the top of one of their mountains. During my stay there I had the chance to attend two bithday parties, yes typical german parties!!! :-) As well as, with my awesome host we didn't miss to swim at the mid-night when was almost raining in the river of Neckar, the longest river in Germany.

27 and 37, roads of castles.
from Heilbronn, Mosbach, Eberbach, till Heidelberg

The guy picked me up in Mosbach was going to Eberbach
he was morrocan too, happy and proud to meet another morrocan traveling the world! :-)
invited me to meet his awesome familly 
his wife prepared for me some food then took me till Heidelberg.
isn't hitchhiking awesome?
90% of ppl think it is dangerous. Just try it!

German parties, 
even the champu is drinkable.

Lovely Heidelberg

Do you know latin?

part of the castle.

always and forever 1&1

The heaven

the tower which was destroyed from some attacks.

I will come back :-)

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Baumerlenbach is a very small town in Baden-Württemberg. I stayed there with a 57 years old women called Rosie who lives with her son and his family. I didn't see so much in the town but I had one of the most interesting experiences in the garden where was a lovely station of Rosie bees. Rosie is an active women who likes to full her time with many activities, we had many interesting discutions about life, africa, bees, syria, polytics and totaly enjoyed it. Somehow I'd say that we got to be best friends even the big diference of our age.

Was the day when we walked into the forest at night, 
total dark, we couldn't see anything, but Rosie knows the exit and all directions.
 I don't have to worry at all!

With Rosie, openning the bees houses and checking the combs.

 Just me, including the smile. Important!

 Bees, Bees, then bees

 Rosie loves her bees, if a bee comes to her hand, she takes it carefully and she puts it under a flower. She definitly changed my view about the bees, just made me loves this animal.
"a bee is a nice animal, it doesn't want to hurt you. You know if a bee stung you it will die, but it doesn't want to die" Rosie said.

Listenning to the bees, nice nice musique!

This picture show the bee inside the amber. That means that the bees have been living for 10000 years and they didn't change so much their forms.

Rosie and her usual smile

For the heating

The baby and the cat

 The funny chinese ducks. They always afraid and runing all together in the same direction.
are they programmed? - totaly!

The sunset from my room, from the roof

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Maybe many people in Germany have never heard about Jagsthausen but I would say I know more about it than my own country right now :-)

I stayed in this small town 8 days, from 20/08/2013 till 28/08/2013 to make a volunteering work with a wonderful German family formed by: Ron, Martina, Wibke, Mariet, Jashaq, Jasmin and Cecile.

Jagsthausen is a town with about 1500 inhabitants, one of the smallest in the district of Heilbronn, northern Baden-Württemberg. History, culture and a beautiful landscaps are some discriptions of this wonderful town into the forest. See pictures bellow:

Welcome to Jagsthausen

The Jagsthausen castle (also called Old Castle or Götzenburg) is the historical castle of the 14th and 15th century. It is famous because of the idol of Berlichingen who spent several years of his childhood there, that why it is called the castle of Götz von Berlichingen. Its present wonderful form was made by the architect August von Bayer in 1876-1878. 

Since 1950, The castle serves as a summer open-air theater.
Inside there is also a musuem where you can learn about the story of the iron hand, the thing is it is open only on Friday-Sunday from 13:30 to 16:00 otherwise you will never get to see the famous hand :-)

Some tombs few meters from the castle.

The Red Castle, in German Rotes Schloss, was built in 1572 by Hans Reinhard Berlichingen and became the headquarters of a separate line of gentlemen of Berlichingen. In the 18th Century, the building was extended to its present shape with huge façade and wide roof.

The White Castle, in German Weißes Schloss (also New Castle ), the building is sitting exactly like me according to my orders to Joseph Berlichingen who built it in 1792 :-) it is surrounded by a large park. There was Christiane Hegel, the sister of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, worked for many years as an educator.

Altes Rathaus Museum.
This man called "Kein Wassertrinken", if you'd like to know the reason please ask! :-)

The Roman Bath, in german Römerbad, it is an open Air Museum now, shows the floor plan of a Roman military bath around 200 AD.



The castle of Jagsthausen, a view from the eastern side of the town.

The cemetery of Jagsthausen.

Jagst, is the river you will find everywhere while traveling in northern Baden-Württemberg. It is about 200km long. It is perfect for swiming and for your canoa!